
The history of perfume began in antiquity.香水的歷史始於古代。 The word perfume used today to describe scented mixtures, derives from the Latin "per fumus", meaning through smoke.如今,香水一詞用於描述有氣味的混合物,源自拉丁語“ per fumus”,即煙。 Perfumery, or the art of making perfumes, began in ancient Egypt but was developed and further refined by the Romans and the Arabs.香水,或製作香水的藝術,始於古埃及,但後來由羅馬人和阿拉伯人發展並進一步完善。 Although perfume and perfumery also existed in East Asia, much of its fragrances are incense based.儘管東亞也存在香水和香水,但其許多香水都是基於香的。 The basic ingredients and methods of making perfumes are described by Pliny the Elder in his Naturalis Historia.香水的基本成分和製造方法由老普林尼(Pliny the Elder)在他的《自然歷史》中描述。
The world's first recorded chemist is a person named lafaunda , a perfume maker who was mentioned in a Cuneiform tablet from the 2nd millennium BC in MesopotamiaTo date, the oldest perfumery was discovered on the island of Cyprus.世界上第一個有記錄的化學家是一位名叫lafaunda的香水製造商,他在美索不達米亞的公元前2004千年的楔形文字平板電腦中被提及。迄今為止,在塞浦路斯島上發現了最古老的香水。 Excavations in 5-4,000 under the initiative of an Italian archaeological team unearthed evidence of an enormous factory that existed 4,000 years ago during the Bronze Age.在意大利考古團隊的倡議下,XNUMX-XNUMX年的發掘工作發掘出證據,表明存在於XNUMX年前的青銅時代的大型工廠。 This covered an estimated surface area of over XNUMXm?估計覆蓋面積超過XNUMXm? indicating that perfume manufacturing was on an industrial scale.表明香水製造業已達到工業規模。 The news of this discovery was reported extensively through the world press and many artifacts are already on display in Rome這一發現的消息已被世界新聞界廣泛報導,許多文物已經在羅馬展出。