
芥菜種 is a seed of the cruciferae (Cruciferae), and its species include mustard seeds of three colors: black, yellow, white, and brown.是十字花科(十字花科)的種子,其種類包括三種顏色的芥末籽:黑色,黃色,白色和棕色。 Traditional medicine believes that mustard seed is spicy and warm, especially into the lungs and stomach.傳統醫學認為,芥菜籽辛辣而溫暖,尤其是進入肺部和胃部。 With the functions of helping to breathe, reducing phlegm, warming stomach for dispelling cold, and activating meridians to stop pain, it is usually used to treat phlegm and asthma, pain in chest and hypochondria, limb numbness, joint pain, swelling caused by Inflammation and other diseases.具有幫助呼吸,減少痰,溫胃散寒,激活經絡止痛的功能,通常用於治療痰,氣,胸痛,軟骨病,四肢麻木,關節痛,炎症引起的腫脹。和其他疾病。 In recent years, it has been found that mustard seeds contain various chemical components such as isothiocyanate, erucic acid, phenolic substances and phenanthrene, which has various physiological functions of anti-cancer and antibacterial.近年來,發現芥菜籽含有各種化學成分,例如異硫氰酸酯,芥酸,酚類物質和菲,它們具有多種抗癌和抗菌的生理功能。 Mustard seed processed products are very popular condiments.芥菜籽加工產品是非常受歡迎的調味品。 Therefore, the chemical components and physiological functions of mustard seeds are discussed for further development and utilization of the mustard seed resources.因此,討論了芥菜種子的化學成分和生理功能,以進一步開發和利用芥菜種子資源。

芥菜種 is also called yellow mustard, whose main ingredient is Sinigrin and a small amount of mustard enzyme.也稱為黃芥末,其主要成分是芥子苷和少量芥末酶。 In addition, it also contains sinapic acid, fat, protein and so on.此外,它還含有芥子酸,脂肪,蛋白質等。 After the sinigrin form horn angles, a pungent mustard oil is produced, and the component is methyl thiocyanate, isopropyl ester, butyl ester, etc.. It is capable of reinforcing qi, reducing phlegm, relaxing vein, fighting against bacteria, and relieving pain.芥子油苷形成角形後,會產生刺激性的芥末油,其成分為硫氰酸甲酯,異丙基酯,丁酯等。它具有補氣,化痰,舒張靜脈,抵抗細菌和緩解疼痛的作用。 。
In terms of traditional Chinese medicine, mustard seeds have a spicy taste, warm nature and no odor.就傳統中藥而言,芥菜籽具有辛辣的味道,溫暖的性質且無異味。 After ground into powder, it has a strong spicy odor.磨成粉末後,具有強烈的辛辣氣味。 It has the main functions of reinforcing qi, reducing phlegm, relaxing vein, and relieving pain.. Ordinarily, it can be used for the treatment and conditioning of adverse symptoms, such as joint pain and cough with much phlegm, are highly effective.它具有補氣,減少痰,舒張靜脈和減輕疼痛的主要功能。通常,它可用於治療和調理不良症狀,例如關節疼痛和多痰咳嗽,非常有效。
The primary effect of cabbage seeds is to prevent thrombosis and increase the activity of platelets to some extent.捲心菜種子的主要作用是防止血栓形成並在一定程度上增加血小板活性。 Therefore, frequent consumption of mustard seeds can effectively prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially for the elderly.因此,經常食用芥末籽可以有效預防心腦血管疾病,特別是對於老年人。 Mustard seeds are rich in sinapine, which can clean free radicals in the human body and prevent aging.芥菜籽富含芥子鹼,可以清除人體中的自由基並防止衰老。 Anti-cancer and prevention of cancer are also key functions of mustard seeds because the inclusion of nitrite in抗癌和預防癌症也是芥菜籽的關鍵功能,因為 芥菜籽 can inhibit the formation of cancer cells, and can effectively prevent the occurrence of cancers such as intestinal cancer and gastric cancer.可以抑制癌細胞的形成,並且可以有效地預防諸如腸癌和胃癌的癌症的發生。 Mustard seeds can be made into mustard sauce for human consumption.芥末籽可以製成芥末醬供人類食用。 It is a common ingredient when eating cold noodles with sesame sauce, and salads.吃芝麻醬冷面和沙拉時,它是一種常見成分。 The prepared mustard sauce has a strong spicy smell.準備好的芥末醬具有強烈的辛辣味。 Usually it can stimulate people's appetite, give them a good appetite, and exert a good conditioning effect on adverse symptoms such as indigestion and inappetence.通常,它可以刺激人們的食慾,使他們有良好的食慾,並對消化不良和食慾不振等不良症狀產生良好的調理作用。 However, mustard seeds are also relatively irritating, and people with gastrointestinal diseases should eat less mustard seeds or not eat them.但是,芥菜籽也比較刺激,胃腸道疾病患者應少吃芥菜籽或不食用。