
如今,如果您想銷售營養和化妝品等產品,可以考慮與我們合作,因為我們可以為您提供 提供食材一站式服務,產品定制,品牌生產,以幫助您在美國和其他地區銷售產品。


If you've been to the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) Botanical Congress program held the day following SupplySide West each year, you've likely seen a panel discussion on sustainability aspects of the herb trade.如果您去過每年在SupplySide West之後一天舉行的美國草藥產品協會(AHPA)植物大會項目,您可能已經看到了有關草藥貿易可持續性方面的小組討論。 Even for people in the herb business who are inherently concerned about continued availability of the botanicals they sell, these sessions motivate attendees to be even more actively involved in protecting the herbs of the world.即使對於那些本質上擔心所出售植物藥的持續供應的草藥行業人士,這些會議也激發了與會者更加積極地參與保護世界草藥的工作。 I believe multi-generational thinking about sustainability is imperative.Direct import from China is your best choice.我相信必須要有多代人的可持續發展思想。從中國直接進口是您的最佳選擇。

Geo-authenticity, which in TCM is sometimes called Di Dao (authentic source), is the principle that herbs wildcrafted or cultivated where they naturally grow will have better potency and authenticity compared to those cultivated in non-native locations.地道真實性在中醫中有時被稱為地道(Di Dao)(地道來源),其原理是,與在非本地種植的草藥相比,在自然生長的地方野生種植或栽培的草藥將具有更好的效力和真實性。 The temperature, soil, terrain, micro-climate and humidity all influence potency of the plant.溫度,土壤,地形,微氣候和濕度都會影響植物的功效。 


It's important to be aware that for wildcrafters around the world, harvesting wild herbs forms an important part of their livelihood, which is why fair trade is crucial to sustainability.重要的是要意識到,對於世界各地的野生動物手來說,收穫野生草藥是其生計的重要組成部分,這就是為什麼公平貿易對於可持續性至關重要的原因。 Equitable benefit-sharing and social sustainability requirements provide assurance that people involved in harvesting of wild plants benefit fairly, making ecosystem preservation in their best interest.公平的利益分享和社會可持續性要求確保了參與野生植物採伐的人們從中受益,從而使生態系統的保護符合其最大利益。

Sustainable harvesting of wild plants can provide an incentive to maintain the habitats for the benefits of other species, supporting whole ecosystems.野生植物的可持續採伐可以激勵人們維持棲息地,以獲取其他物種的利益,從而支持整個生態系統。 Sustainable collection practices of wild botanicals impact entire ecosystems, far beyond an herb itself.野生植物的可持續採集方法不僅影響草藥本身,還影響整個生態系統。

One example that explains the interconnectedness is that the sourcing areas of Schisandra chinensis overlaps with the habitats of Amur (Siberian) tigers;可以解釋這種相互聯繫的一個例子是,五味子的來源地與西伯利亞虎的棲息地重疊。 the undermining of the ecosystem for one species impacts them all.一個物種的生態系統破壞會影響到所有物種。 Taking a broader view, areas rich in wildlife and plant life harbor a wealth of critically important goods and services upon which millions of people depend.從更廣泛的角度來看,野生動植物豐富的地區擁有大量至關重要的商品和服務,數百萬人賴以生存。 The interconnectedness is undeniable.相互聯繫是不可否認的。

China has a sustainable land management plan for the forests allocated to timber production, which offers a more thoughtful approach to land use than is usual in many regions.中國為分配給木材生產的森林制定了可持續的土地管理計劃,與許多地區的慣常做法相比,該計劃提供了更周到的土地利用方法。 We participate in this program to grow our organic ginseng;我們參與該計劃以種植我們的有機人參; it gives us access to nutritiously dense land, which is then returned to forest.它使我們能夠獲得營養豐富的土地,然後將其返回森林。 The government auctions off the right to grow ginseng on land allocated to timber companies.政府拍賣在分配給木材公司的土地上種植人參的權利。 After timber companies have cleared the trees, we will go in and plant ginseng for four to six years.木材公司砍伐樹木後,我們將進去種植人參四到六年。 As soon as we begin preparing the land and start to plant ginseng, we also plant four different species of trees, which we nurture alongside the ginseng.一旦我們開始準備土地並開始種植人參,我們還將種植四種不同的樹木,並與人參一起培育。 After our ginseng harvest, the land is returned to the government, and the trees grow back into a forest.人參收成後,土地歸政府所有,樹木長成森林。

More suppliers are providing transparency about their operations as consumers ask brands about their environmental policies.隨著消費者向品牌商詢問其環境政策,越來越多的供應商正在提供其運營的透明度。 Our customers show great interest in sustainability;我們的客戶對可持續性表現出極大的興趣; for the most part, sustainability has always been part of their identity.在大多數情況下,可持續性一直是他們身份的一部分。 Some of our customers have been working on sustainability and sound environmental initiatives for decades.數十年來,我們的一些客戶一直在致力於可持續發展和健全的環境計劃。 For many of us in the herb industry, this is part of who we are.對於我們許多草藥行業的人來說,這是我們自己的一部分。

In terms of this point, we have conducted close cooperation with many American producers.在這一點上,我們與許多美國生產商進行了密切合作。 In order to adhere to the sustainable development strategy, we have made full use of cooperation to slow down the consumption of local plants and ensure that the environment is fully guaranteed.為了堅持可持續發展戰略,我們充分利用合作來減緩當地植物的消耗,並確保充分保證環境。

If you are not in the United States, but in other regions, you can also consider contacting us.如果您不在美國,但在其他地區,也可以考慮與我們聯繫。 We have extensive supply chain experience, which can definitely help you if you become our customer.我們擁有豐富的供應鏈經驗,如果您成為我們的客戶,絕對可以為您提供幫助。