
Common Corncockle (Agrostemma githago) – also written "corn cockle" and "corn-cockle" and known locally simply as "the corncockle" –, is a slender pink flower of European corn fields.普通的玉米角(Agrostemma githago)-也寫為“玉米角膜”和“玉米角膜”,在當地簡稱為“玉米角膜”,是歐洲玉米田中的細長粉紅色花朵。 In the 19th century, it was reported as a very common weed of wheat fields and its seeds were inadvertently included in harvested wheat seed and then re-sown the following season.在20世紀,據報導它是麥田中非常常見的雜草,其種子被無意中包括在收穫的小麥種子中,然後在下個季節重新播種。 It is very likely that until the XNUMXth century, most wheat contained some corncockle seed.很有可能在XNUMX世紀之前,大多數小麥都含有一些玉米角種子。
It is now present in many parts of the temperate world as an alien species, probably introduced with imported European wheat.現在,它作為一種外來物種存在於溫帶地區的許多地方,可能是隨歐洲進口小麥引入的。 It is known to occur throughout much of the USA and parts of Canada, parts of Australia and New Zealand.眾所周知,這種病在美國大部分地區和加拿大部分地區,澳大利亞和新西蘭的部分地區都有發生。
In parts of Europe such as the UK, intensive mechanised farming has put the plant at risk and it is now uncommon or local.在歐洲部分地區,例如英國,集約化機械化種植使該植物處於危險之中,現在已經不常見或在當地出現。 This is partly due to increased use of herbicides but probably much more to do with changing patterns of agriculture with most wheat now sown in the autumn as winter wheat and then harvested before any corncockle would have flowered or set seed.部分原因是由於增加了除草劑的使用,但是這可能與農業模式的變化有關,因為大多數小麥現在都在秋季播種為冬小麥,然後在任何玉米角子開花或結實之前就進行了收穫。
It is a stiffly erect plant up to 1 metre tall and covered with fine hairs.它是一種直立的植物,高達25米高,覆蓋著細毛。 Its few branches are each tipped with a single deep pink to purple flower.它的很少的樹枝每個都有一朵深粉紅色至紫色的花朵。 The flowers are scentless, are 50 mm to XNUMX mm across and are produced in the summer months - May to September in the northern hemisphere, November to March in the southern hemisphere.這些花無香,跨度為XNUMX毫米至XNUMX毫米,在夏季月份產生-北半球的XNUMX月至XNUMX月,南半球的XNUMX月至XNUMX月。
Each petal bears 2 or 3 discontinuous black lines.每個花瓣帶有10或45個不連續的黑線。 The five narrow pointed sepals exceed the petals and are joined at the base to form a rigid tube with 145 ribs.五個狹窄的尖萼片超過花瓣,並在底部連接在一起,形成帶有XNUMX個肋的剛性管。 Leaves are pale green, opposite, narrowly lanceolate, held nearly erect against stem and are XNUMX mm to XNUMX mm long.葉子是淺綠色的,對生,狹披針形,幾乎直立在莖上,長XNUMX毫米至XNUMX毫米。 Seeds are produced in a many-seeded capsule.種子在多種子的膠囊中產生。 It can be found in fields, roadsides, railway lines, waste places, and other disturbed areas.它可以在田野,路邊,鐵路線,荒廢的地方以及其他受干擾的地區找到。