點頭洋蔥(Allium cernuum),也稱為淑女韭菜,是一種屬於蔥科的多年生植物。
It has an unsheathed slender conic bulb which gradually tapers directly into several keeled grass-like leaves (2–4 mm wide).它有一個沒有鞘的細長圓錐形球莖,逐漸逐漸變細成幾根龍骨狀的草狀葉子(寬XNUMX-XNUMX毫米)。 Each mature bulb bears a single flowering stem, which terminates in a downward nodding umbel of white or rose flowers.每個成熟的球莖都帶有單個開花莖,該莖以白色或玫瑰花朵向下的點頭繖形花序終止。 Nodding onion blooms in July or August.點頭洋蔥在XNUMX月或XNUMX月盛開。 The flowers mature into spherical crested fruits which later split open to reveal the dark shiny seeds.花成熟後變成球形的鳳頭果,隨後裂開,露出深色的閃亮種子。 This plant does not have bulblets in the inflorescence.該植物在花序中沒有鱗莖。 This plant grows in dry woods, rock outcroppings, and prairies.這種植物生長在乾燥的樹林,岩石露頭和大草原上。 It is native to North America from New York to British Columbia south to Virginia and Kentucky and south in the mountains.它原產於北美,從紐約到不列顛哥倫比亞省,再到弗吉尼亞州和肯塔基州,再到山區南部。 The bulb is edible and has a strong onion flavor.鱗莖是可食用的,並且具有強烈的洋蔥味。