
Usually it grows to a size of 80-120 cm.通常它會長到XNUMX-XNUMX厘米。 It has both green and red varieties, as well as some with mixed colors.它既有綠色和紅色品種,也有一些混色。 The green variety is practically undistinguishable from Amaranthus viridis.綠色品種與A菜幾乎沒有區別。
It flowers from summer to fall in the tropics, but can flower throughout the year in subtropical conditions.從夏天到秋天在熱帶地區開花,但在亞熱帶條件下全年均可開花。 It is a ruderal species, usually found in waste places or disturbed habitats.它是a屬物種,通常在荒蕪的地方或受干擾的棲息地中發現。
mar菜(Amaranthus dubius)被認為是形態異常的異源多倍體。 It is very close genetically to Amaranthus spinosus and other Amaranthus species.它在遺傳上與A菜和其他A菜物種非常接近。