
Trifolium hybridum(阿里斯三葉草)是豌豆科Fabaceae中的Trifolium屬植物。 The stalked, pale pink or whitish flower head grows from the leaf axils, and the trifoliate leaves are unmarked.莖稈淺淡的粉紅色或發白的花序從葉腋生出,而三葉形的葉子未標記。 The plant is 1–2 feet (30–60 cm) tall, and is found in fields and on roadsides – it is also grown as fodder (hay or silage).該植物高XNUMX–XNUMX英尺(XNUMX–XNUMX厘米),可在田間和路邊找到–也可作為飼料(乾草或青貯飼料)生長。 The plant blooms from spring to autumn.Originating in mainland Europe, it has become established as an introduced plant in the British Isles and throughout the temperate regions of the world.Despite its scientific name, alsike clover is not of hybrid origin.該植物從春季到秋季開花,起源於歐洲大陸,已被確立為不列顛群島和全球溫帶地區的引種植物,儘管它的學名是阿爾斯克三葉草也不是雜交種。