Bongardia chrysogonum是Berberis家族的成員,以德國植物學家HG Bongard的名字命名,其原產地是從希臘,土耳其到巴基斯坦。 The tubers and leaves are used for both nutrition and health.塊莖和葉子用於營養和健康。 It needs a arenaceous soil and good drainage system with protection from excessive wet all along.The leaves grow from the tuber, rather than the stem, and carry soft grey green leaflets with brown red spots at the base.它需要砂質土壤和良好的排水系統,並且始終要防止過多的潮濕。葉子是從塊莖而不是莖上生長的,葉上長有棕紅色斑點的灰綠色小葉。 The 5-petalled goldenyellow flowers are hermaphrodites and are carried in a loosely-branched inflorescence.It should be planted in sharply drained soil in sunniness, for it can survive in large drought.五瓣金黃色的花朵是雌雄同體,在疏鬆的花序中開花,應在陽光充足的急劇排水的土壤中種植,因為它可以在大干旱下生存。 It grows slowly but is very long lived.它生長緩慢,但壽命很長。