Pygeum africanum

The Pygeum africanum tree, belonging to the Rosaceae family, is a tall evergreen of the family Rosaceae found in central and southern Africa, such as Cameroon, Kenya, Madagascar, Congolese Democratic Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Uganda, Tanzania, Angola, South Africa, Ethiopia, Burundi, Rwanda, Malawi, and Nigeria.非洲薔薇屬的薔薇屬樹是薔薇科的一種高大的常綠植物,見於非洲中部和南部,例如喀麥隆,肯尼亞,馬達加斯加,剛果民主共和國,赤道幾內亞,烏干達,坦桑尼亞,安哥拉,南非,埃塞俄比亞,布隆迪,盧旺達,馬拉維和尼日利亞。 It grows in tropical and humid equatorial mountain zones, at altitudes between 1000 and 2400 m.它生長在熱帶和濕潤的赤道山區,海拔在1700至XNUMX m之間。 Interest in the species began in the XNUMXs when European travelers learned from South African tribes how to soothe bladder discomfort and treat "old man's disease" with the bark of P. africanum.對這個物種的興趣始於XNUMX年代,當時歐洲旅行者從南非部落中學習瞭如何緩解膀胱不適並用非洲象鼻蟲的樹皮治療“老人病”。