
Yohimbe bark extract is obtained from the bark of the yohimbe tree, an evergreen tree native to Western Africa.育亨賓樹皮提取物取自育亨賓樹的樹皮,育亨賓樹是一種產於西非的常綠喬木。 Yohimbe Bark Extract is recognized by many as a naturally-occurring aphrodisiac.育亨賓樹皮提取物被許多人認為是天然的壯陽藥。 It is becoming more and more popular because of its many roles.由於它的許多作用,它變得越來越受歡迎。 It can help support healthy libido, and also has been shown to decrease fat synthesis in the body by increasing fatty acid mobilization.Yohimbe bark extract and its active ingredient, yohimbine, are presented to the CSWG as part of a review of botanicals being used as dietary supplements in the United States.Yohimbe bark extract is traditionally said to cause occasional skin flushing, piloeretion (body hair standing up), painful urination, genital pain, reduced appetite, agitation, dizziness, headache, irritability, nervousness, tremors, or insomnia.它可以幫助支持健康的性慾,並且還被證明可以通過增加脂肪酸的動員來減少體內的脂肪合成。育亨賓樹皮提取物及其有效成分育亨賓被提交給CSWG,作為植物藥研究的一部分傳統上稱育亨賓樹皮提取物會引起皮膚潮紅,起毛(豎立身體毛髮),排尿疼痛,生殖器疼痛,食慾不振,躁動,頭暈,頭痛,煩躁不安,神經質,震顫或失眠。