在夏威夷螺旋藻 Pacifica(R) 中發現維生素 K2

Cyanotech Corporation的Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica(R)是基於微藻類的高價值營養和保健產品的全球領導者,該公司宣布已獲得另一項營養第一。 Already the most nutritious Spirulina in the world, it is also a good source of Vitamin K2.它已經是世界上最營養的螺旋藻,也是維生素KXNUMX的良好來源。 
Vitamin K2 is one form of Vitamin K. It has long been associated with blood health since about half of the 16 known proteins depending on the vitamin are necessary for blood coagulation.維生素K2是維生素K的一種形式。長期以來,維生素K2與血液健康有關,因為2種取決於維生素的已知蛋白質中大約有一半是凝血所必需的。 Recent studies cited in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show that Vitamin K2 can have positive effects on alleviating osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.在《美國臨床營養雜誌》上引用的最新研究表明,維生素KXNUMX對緩解骨質疏鬆症和心血管疾病具有積極作用。 In bone, Vitamin KXNUMX activates a critical protein required to bind calcium, thus strengthening the skeleton.在骨骼中,維生素KXNUMX激活結合鈣所需的關鍵蛋白質,從而增強骨骼。 In circulation, Vitamin KXNUMX participates in activation of the most potent inhibitor of arterial calcification, lowering the risk of vascular damage.在循環中,維生素KXNUMX參與最有效的動脈鈣化抑製劑的活化,從而降低了血管損傷的風險。 Additionally, exciting new research is showing that Vitamin KXNUMX may be beneficial for Alzheimer's disease, a variety of cancers, varicose veins and skin aging.此外,令人興奮的新研究表明,維生素KXNUMX可能對阿爾茨海默氏病,多種癌症,靜脈曲張和皮膚衰老有益。