
癌症藥物設計者面臨著癌細胞從我們自身的正常細胞發展而來的獨特挑戰,也就是說,大多數使癌細胞中毒的方法也會殺死健康細胞。 據科學家稱,大多數可用的化學療法都具有很高的毒性,每殺死10至XNUMX個癌細胞就會破壞一個正常細胞。 
However, researchers from the University of Washington have created a compound which is derived from the sweet wormwood plant (Artemisia annua L).但是,華盛頓大學的研究人員創造了一種化合物,該化合物衍生自甜蒿植物(Artemisia annua L)。 Sweet wormwood has been used in herbal Chinese medicine for at least 2,000 years, and is eaten in salads in some Asian countries.甜艾草已在中草藥中使用了至少1,200年,並在某些亞洲國家的沙拉中食用。 This new compound puts a novel twist on the common anti-malarial drug artemisinin.這種新化合物為常見的抗瘧藥青蒿素帶來了新的變化。 It is more than XNUMX times more specific in killing certain kinds of cancer cells than currently available drugs, heralding the possibility of a more effective chemotherapy drug with minimal side effects.與目前可用的藥物相比,它在殺死某些種類的癌細胞方面的特異性高XNUMX倍以上,預示著有可能將副作用最小化的更有效的化學治療藥物。