
Cardiovascular diseases are the major causes of death in the UK, and are related to raised circulating levels of total cholesterol in the plasma.心血管疾病是英國的主要死亡原因,並且與血漿中總膽固醇的循環水平升高有關。 Once plasma cholesterol reaches a certain level, drugs such as statins are often prescribed to help reduce it.一旦血漿膽固醇達到一定水平,通常會開處方他汀類藥物以幫助降低血漿膽固醇。 Intervention before concentrations reaches these levels may help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases without the need for drugs.在濃度達到這些水平之前進行干預可能有助於減少患上心血管疾病的風險,而無需藥物。 Researchers from the University of Reading have found that an over-the-counter Artichoke Leaf Extract from the globe artichoke plant can lower cholesterol in otherwise healthy individuals with moderately raised levels.雷丁大學的研究人員發現,從朝鮮薊植物中提取的非處方洋薊葉提取物可以降低健康水平較高的健康個體的膽固醇。 
Globe artichokes have been used traditionally in Europe to improve digestive and urinary tract health.歐洲傳統上已將朝鮮薊用於改善消化道和泌尿道的健康。 Artichoke leaf extracts (ALEs) are currently used in Germany and Switzerland as a remedy for indigestion, and are available in the UK as over-the-counter food supplements.朝鮮薊葉提取物(ALE)當前在德國和瑞士用作消化不良的治療方法,在英國可作為非處方食品補充劑使用。 Various studies have provided an evidence base for their use in conditions such as dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome.各種研究為它們在消化不良和腸易激綜合症中的使用提供了證據。 Research has shown that otherwise healthy people with moderately raised plasma cholesterol may be able to lower their levels by taking this herbal supplement.研究表明,否則健康的血漿膽固醇水平會升高的人可以通過服用這種草藥補品來降低其水平。