
Reishi grows in damp, sunless mountain areas and was once a rare commodity.靈芝生長在潮濕,沒有陽光的山區,曾經是一種稀有商品。 Today Reishi, like green tea polyphenols, is manufactured as an extract.今天,靈芝像綠茶中的多酚一樣,是作為提取物生產的。 Now a new study by Chinese scientists found that combining the active ingredients in the mushroom and the tea creates synergetic effects that inhibited the growth of tumors and delayed the time of death in mice with sarcomas.現在,中國科學家的一項新研究發現,將蘑菇和茶中的有效成分結合在一起,可產生協同效應,從而抑制肉瘤小鼠的腫瘤生長並延遲其死亡時間。 Both the reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum; Lingzhi) and green tea have long held a place in traditional medicine in China and other Asian countries, for the general promotion of health and long life and for the treatment of specific diseases.長期以來,靈芝蘑菇(靈芝;靈芝)和綠茶在中國和其他亞洲國家的傳統醫學中一直佔有一席之地,以普遍促進健康和長壽以及治療特定疾病。 More recent scientific studies have confirmed that both enhance the body's immune functions and hold the potential for treatment and prevention of many types of cancer.最近的科學研究證實,既增強人體的免疫功能,又具有治療和預防多種癌症的潛力。