
Steroids has been found by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in an intensive body lotion with Aloe Vera - OSAS, which claimed to contain natural ingredients.藥物和保健產品監管局(MHRA)在含有蘆薈-OSAS的密集身體乳液中發現了類固醇,該物質聲稱含有天然成分。 The lotion, an unlicensed product illegally, was said to treat eczema and psoriasis and has been found to be sold in a variety of Asian and African beauty shops in London and the West Midlands and over the Internet.據說,這種乳液是一種非法的無牌產品,可治療濕疹和牛皮癬,並已在倫敦和西米德蘭茲郡的各種亞洲和非洲美容店以及通過互聯網出售。 The lotion caught the attention of the MHRA by a paediatric dermatologist who became concerned when the parent of a baby he was treating for eczema started to use this product on the baby.小兒皮膚科醫生引起了MHRA的注意,當正在治療濕疹的嬰兒的父母開始在嬰兒上使用該產品時,這種乳液引起了關注。 The lotion tested positive for variable amounts of, Betamethasone dipropionate, which is a type of medicine called a corticosteroid.洗劑中的適量倍他米松二丙酸酯測試呈陽性,這是一種稱為皮質類固醇的藥物。 The product also contains Clotrimazole which is used in anti-fungal medications.該產品還含有克黴唑,可用於抗真菌藥物。