
Bouteillan是主要在普羅旺斯種植的橄欖品種。 Bouteillan易受某些害蟲的侵害,但具有良好的抗寒性。
Bouteillan最初來自法國南部的奧普斯鎮。 It is today grown primarily in the region of Var in Provence.今天,它主要生長在普羅旺斯的瓦爾地區。 It can also be found in Egypt, and as far away as Australia and the United States.它也可以在埃及以及遠至澳大利亞和美國的地方找到。
It is a cultivar of medium-to-weak vigour, with a spreading growth form, and elliptic-lanceolate leaves of medium length and width.它是中等至弱勢的品種,具有擴展的生長形式,並且具有中等長度和寬度的橢圓形披針形葉片。 The olives are of medium weight, and ovoid, slightly asymmetrical in shape.橄欖中等重量,呈卵圓形,形狀略不對稱。 The stone is rounded at both ends, with a rough surface and a mucro.石頭的兩端都是圓形的,表面粗糙且有粘膠。
Depending on the region, this cultivar is picked from the end of October until New Year.從XNUMX月底到新年期間,將選擇該品種,具體取決於區域。 When fully mature, the colour of the fruit is Burgundy.完全成熟後,果實的顏色為勃艮第色。 The olive is clingstone – the stone clings to the flesh.橄欖是粘石–石頭粘在果肉上。