
Raspberries are a good source of minerals such as magnesium, iron and calcium and raspberry extract is not just for a flavoring.覆盆子是鎂,鐵和鈣等礦物質的良好來源,而覆盆子提取物不僅用於調味。 Many of us just think of them as one of those summer berry luxury but this fruit along with its leaves is making its name known for more than a delicious snack, a flavor for a rich coffee or a gourmet dessert.When the antioxidant of raspberries were studied at the Ohio State University their anti-angiogenic properties were found to have an effect on skin cancer cells that are not found in the antioxidants of other foods.我們中的許多人只是將它們視為夏季漿果中的一種,但是這種水果及其葉子不僅以美味的小吃,濃郁的咖啡風味或美食甜品聞名,而且因其名字而聞名。在俄亥俄州立大學進行的一項研究發現,它們的抗血管生成特性對皮膚癌細胞有影響,而其他食物的抗氧化劑則沒有。 They act as free radical scavengers that have the ability to stop the affects of irritant-causing chemicals that can cause cancer.它們充當自由基清除劑,能夠阻止可能引起癌症的刺激性化學物質的影響。