卡瓦卡瓦(Piper methysticum)

Kava kava (Piper methysticum) is said to elevate mood, well-being, and contentment, and produce a feeling of relaxation.卡瓦卡瓦(Piper methysticum)被認為可以提高情緒,幸福感和滿足感,並產生放鬆的感覺。 Several studies have found that kava may be useful in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and related nervous disorders.幾項研究發現,卡瓦酒可用於治療焦慮症,失眠症和相關的神經疾病。 However, there is serious concern that kava may cause liver damage.但是,人們非常擔心卡瓦酒可能會引起肝臟損害。 It's not clear whether the kava itself caused liver damage in a few people or whether it was taking kava in combination with other drugs or herbs.目前尚不清楚卡瓦酒本身是否會在少數人中引起肝臟損害,或者是否與其他藥物或草藥合用時服用卡瓦酒。 It's also not clear whether kava is dangerous at previously recommended doses, or only at higher doses.還不清楚卡瓦在以前推薦的劑量下還是僅在更高劑量下是危險的。 Some countries have taken kava off the market.一些國家已經將卡瓦酒撤出市場。 It remains available in the United States, but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a consumer advisory in March of 2002 regarding the "rare" but potential risk of liver failure associated with kava-containing products.它在美國仍然可以買到,但是美國食品藥品管理局(FDA)在XNUMX年XNUMX月發布了一項消費者諮詢,內容是與含卡瓦產品相關的“罕見”但潛在的肝衰竭風險。