Salvia divinorum

Salvia divinorum has a long and continuing tradition of religious use as an entheogen by indigenous Mazatec shamans, who use it to facilitate visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions.The plant is found in isolated, shaded, and moist habitat in the mountain cloud forest in Oaxaca, Mexico.丹參(Salvia divinorum)長期以來一直被土著Mazatec薩滿祭司用作宗教信仰者的信奉傳統,他們在靈性康復期間使用它來促進有遠見的意識狀態。在墨西哥瓦哈卡州。 It grows to well over a meter in height.它長到一米多。 It has hollow square stems, large green leaves, and occasional white flowers with purple bracts.它具有空心方形莖,大綠葉和偶有紫色white片的白色花朵。 Botanists have not determined whether it is a cultigen or a hybrid.植物學家尚未確定是栽培種還是雜種。
Salvinorin A的獨特之處在於,它是已知以這種方式誘導視覺狀態的唯一天然物質。 Salvia divinorum可以被咀嚼,抽煙或用作a劑,以產生強烈而深刻的替代意識狀態,偶爾還會出現從笑到難以理解的言語行為。 The duration of effects is much briefer than those of other, more well-known psychoactive compounds, typically lasting minutes only.效果的持續時間比其他更知名的精神活性化合物要短得多,通常僅持續數分鐘。 The most commonly reported after-effects include an improved mood and sensations of insight, calmness, and connection with nature-though rarely it may also cause dysphoria (unpleasant or uncomfortable mood).Salvia divinorum is not generally understood to be toxic or addictive, and as a κ-opioid agonist, it may have potential as an analgesic and as a therapeutic tool for treating drug addictions.報導最多的後遺症包括改善情緒,洞察力,平靜和與自然的聯繫感-儘管極少會引起煩躁不安(不愉快或不舒服的情緒)。作為κ阿片類激動劑,它有可能用作止痛藥和治療藥物成癮的治療工具。 While not currently regulated by USA federal drug laws, several states have passed laws criminalizing the substance and the DEA has listed Salvia as a "drug of concern".儘管目前尚未受到美國聯邦毒品法的管制,但有幾個州已通過將該物質定為刑事犯罪的法律,而DEA將丹參列為“關注藥物”。