
All human societies have medical beliefs that provide explanations for birth, death, and disease.所有人類社會都有醫學信仰,可以為出生,死亡和疾病提供解釋。 Throughout history, illness has been attributed to witchcraft, demons, adverse astral influence, or the will of the gods.在整個歷史上,疾病一直歸因於巫術,惡魔,不利的星體影響或眾神的意願。 These ideas still retain some power, with faith healing and shrines still used in some places, although the rise of scientific medicine over the past millennium has altered or replaced many of the old beliefs.儘管在過去的千年中科學醫學的興起已經改變或替代了許多舊的信念,但這些思想仍保留著一定的力量,儘管在某些地方仍使用信仰療法和神rine,
Although there is no record to establish when plants were first used for medicinal purposes (herbalism), the use of plants as healing agents was depicted in the cave paintings discovered in the Lascaux caves in France, which have been radiocarbon dated to between 13,000 and 25,000 BC.儘管尚無記錄確定何時將植物首次用於醫學目的(草藥),但法國拉斯科洞穴發現的洞穴壁畫中描繪了將植物用作治療劑的情況,放射性碳可追溯到XNUMX至XNUMX之間。公元前。 Over time and with trial and error, over the generations a small knowledge base developed, as tribal culture developed into specialized areas.隨著時間的流逝和反複試驗,隨著部落文化發展到專門領域,幾代人逐漸形成了一個小的知識庫。 Shamans performed the 'specialized jobs' of healing.薩滿祭司完成了康復的“特殊工作”。