
Medical cannabis (commonly referred to as "medical marijuana") refers to the use of the Cannabis plant as a physician-recommended drug or herbal therapy, as well as synthetic tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other cannabinoids.醫用大麻(通常稱為“醫用大麻”)是指將大麻植物用作醫師推薦的藥物或草藥療法,以及合成四氫大麻酚(THC)和其他大麻素的用途。 There are many studies regarding the use of cannabis in a medicinal context.關於在醫學上使用大麻的研究很多。 Use generally requires a prescription, and distribution is usually done within a framework defined by local laws.使用通常需要開處方,並且分發通常是在當地法律定義的框架內進行的。 There are several methods for administration of dosage, including vaporizing or smoking dried buds, drinking or eating extracts, and taking synthetic THC pills.有幾種給藥劑量的方法,包括汽化或熏制干芽,飲用或食用提取物以及服用合成THC藥丸。 The comparible efficacy of these methods was the subject of an investigative study by the National Institutes of Health.這些方法的可比性是美國國立衛生研究院的一項調查研究的主題。
Medicinal use of cannabis is legal in a limited number of territories worldwide, including Canada, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Israel, Finland, and Portugal.大麻的藥用在全球範圍內是有限的,包括加拿大,奧地利,德國,荷蘭,西班牙,以色列,芬蘭和葡萄牙。 In the United States, 13 states have recognized medical marijuana: Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington;在美國,有XNUMX個州認可了醫用大麻:阿拉斯加,加利福尼亞,科羅拉多州,夏威夷,緬因州,馬里蘭州,密歇根州,蒙大拿州,內華達州,新墨西哥州,俄勒岡州,羅德島州,佛蒙特州和華盛頓州; although California, Colorado, New Mexico and Rhode Island are currently the only states to utilize "dispensaries" to sell medical cannabis.儘管目前只有加利福尼亞州,科羅拉多州,新墨西哥州和羅德島州使用“藥房”來銷售醫用大麻。
Seven US states are currently considering medical marijuana bills in their legislatures: Illinois, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and North Carolina.美國七個州目前正在其立法機關中考慮醫用大麻法案:伊利諾伊州,賓夕法尼亞州,明尼蘇達州,新罕布什爾州,新澤西州,紐約州和北卡羅來納州。 South Dakota also has several petitions in interest of medical marijuana legalization.南達科他州也有幾份請願書,要求醫用大麻合法化。