
ll可以使用這些填充物進行皮下填充。 The entire process may carry on in the clinic: First spreads anaesthesia medicinal ointment, after treats the anaesthetic potency display, doctor can in need the position to make the hypodermic injection;整個過程可以在臨床上進行:先塗上麻醉藥膏,待麻醉藥顯示出來後,醫生可以在需要的位置作皮下注射; The injection dosage very are actually few, usually lies between 0.5 to 1 milliliter between, how much injects must certainly regard needs the scope to decide, the entire injection process may complete in ten several minutes.More importantly, after the injection finished doctor to have to hold back the hyaluric acid which injects by to make these materials not to be able blister, also may play the smooth role, this movement says in the entire treatment course quite important also must experience.After injection, the hyaluric acid can attach in this region amounts to about the average for half year, maintains the time truly by more than four months to 89 months different, although this material is not permanent, but a security reliable levels the scar method.注射劑量實際上很少,通常在XNUMX到XNUMX毫升之間,一定要考慮多少注射需要範圍來決定,整個注射過程可能會在十分鐘內完成。更重要的是,注射完成後醫生要阻止通過注射使這些材料不致起泡的透明質酸,也可以起到光滑的作用,這一動作說在整個治療過程中也很重要也必須經歷。注射後,透明質酸可以附著在此區域平均約為半年,真正維持時間由四個多月至XNUMX個月不等,儘管這種材料不是永久性的,但安全可靠的採用疤痕法。