
Okra known by many others names, is a flowering plant in the mallow family (along with such species as cotton, cocoa, and hibiscus), valued for its edible green fruits.秋葵以許多其他名稱而聞名,是錦葵科的一種開花植物(還有棉花,可可和芙蓉等物種),以其可食用的綠色水果而聞名。 Okra's scientific name is Abelmoschus esculentus;黃秋葵的學名是Abelmoschus esculentus。 it is occasionally referred to by the synonym, Hibiscus esculentus L.它有時被稱為Hibiscus esculentusL。
該物種是一年生或多年生植物,長至2 m高。 葉子長10-20厘米,寬,掌狀淺裂,有5-7個裂片。 花朵直徑為 4-8 厘米,有五片白色到黃色的花瓣,每片花瓣的基部通常有一個紅色或紫色的斑點。 果實為蒴果,長達18厘米,內含許多種子。
Abelmoschus esculentus is cultivated throughout the tropical and warm temperate regions of the world for its fibrous fruits or pods containing round, white seeds.全世界的熱帶和溫暖溫帶地區都種植有Abelmoschus esculentus,其纖維狀水果或豆莢中含有白色種子。 The fruits are harvested when immature and eaten as a vegetable.未成熟時收穫果實,並作為蔬菜食用。