
Acrocomia aculeata是一種棕櫚樹種,原產於美洲的熱帶地區,從墨西哥南部和加勒比海南部到巴拉圭和阿根廷北部。 Common names include Grugru Palm, Macaúba Palm, Coyol Palm, and Macaw Palm;通用名稱包括Grugru Palm,MacaúbaPalm,Coyol Palm和Macaw Palm。 synonyms include A. lasiospatha, A. sclerocarpa, A. totai, and A. vinifera.同義詞包括A. lasiospatha,A。sclerocarpa,A。totai和A. vinifera。
It grows to 15-20 m tall, with a trunk up to 50 cm diameter, characterized by numerous slender, black, viciously sharp 10 cm long spines jutting out from the trunk.它長到3至4 m高,樹幹長到50厘米,其特徵是從樹幹上伸出許多細長的,黑色的,兇惡的,鋒利的100厘米長的刺。 The leaves are pinnate, 1.5-2.5 m long, with numerous slender, 5-2.5 cm long leaflets.葉子是羽狀的,長5-XNUMX m,有許多細長的XNUMX-XNUMX cm長的小葉。 Petioles of the leaves are also covered with spines.葉子的葉柄也被刺覆蓋。 The flowers are small, produced on a large branched inflorescence XNUMX m long.花小,長XNUMX m,長在大的分支花序上。 The fruit is a yellowish-green drupe XNUMX-XNUMX cm in diameter, containing a single, dark brown, nut-like seed XNUMX-XNUMX cm diameter, which is very tough to break.果實是直徑為XNUMX-XNUMX厘米的黃綠色核果,內含單個直徑為XNUMX-XNUMX厘米的深褐色,堅果樣種子,很難破碎。 The inside is a dry white filling that has a vaguely sweet taste when eaten.裡面是乾的白色餡料,食用時含甜味。