
海藻多醣主要來自 海帶,鹿尾巴(hijiki), 螺旋藻, 綠藻, and other algae.和其他藻類。 Seaweed polysaccharides mainly include alga gum, alga gum and alga starch.海藻多醣主要包括海藻膠,海藻膠和海藻澱粉。 Brown alga gum, brown alga gum and brown alga starch from kelp were white with yellow powder.海帶的褐藻膠,褐藻膠和褐藻澱粉呈白色,帶黃色粉末。 The purified alginate sodium was white filaments.純化的藻酸鈉為白色細絲。 Alginate is a milky white powder.海藻酸鹽是乳白色粉末。 Both are soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol, acetone, chloroform and other organic solvents.兩者均溶於水,不溶於乙醇,丙酮,氯仿和其他有機溶劑。

Algae is rich in selenium, as well as polysaccharides and fatty acids that protect against cardiovascular disease.藻類富含硒以及多醣和脂肪酸,可預防心血管疾病。 German scientists found that selenium deficiency is one of the causes of cardiovascular disease.德國科學家發現,硒缺乏是心血管疾病的原因之一。 They found that people with coronary atherosclerosis had much lower levels of selenium than healthy people, and that people living in low-selenium areas were three times more likely to die of heart disease than those living in selenium-rich areas.他們發現患有冠狀動脈粥樣硬化的人的硒水平比健康人低得多,而生活在低硒地區的人死於心髒病的可能性是生活在富硒地區的人的三倍。
Middle-aged and elderly people who regularly eat seaweed are less likely to develop cancer.經常吃海藻的中老年人不易患癌症。 Japanese scientists have confirmed that kelp brown algae off the coast of Japan can inhibit tumors.日本科學家已經證實,日本沿海海帶褐藻可以抑制腫瘤。 Japanese women have a lower incidence of breast cancer due to their seaweed eating habits.由於海藻的飲食習慣,日本女性患乳腺癌的機率較低。 Some people use 10 kinds of edible seaweed in Japanese sea to do anti-tumor experiment, the result shows that 6 kinds of edible seaweed have anti-leukemia effect, and the main component of anti-tumor is brown algae gum.有人在日本海中使用XNUMX種食用海藻進行抗腫瘤實驗,結果表明XNUMX種食用海藻具有抗白血病作用,其中抗腫瘤的主要成分是褐藻膠。 Algae also contains more water-soluble cellulose, cellulose prevention and treatment of constipation effect is obvious, thereby reducing the accumulation of harmful substances in the human body too much.藻類還含有更多的水溶性纖維素,纖維素對便秘的預防和治療作用很明顯,從而減少了過多的有害物質在人體中的積累。 Edible algae are alkaline food, often eat alkaline food, help to improve the modern acidic constitution, strengthen the immune function of people.食用藻類是鹼性食品,經常吃鹼性食品,有助於改善現代酸性體質,增強人們的免疫功能。 These can greatly enhance the body's ability to fight cancer.這些可以大大增強人體抵抗癌症的能力。 Selenium, which is rich in seaweed, also blocks the metabolism of cancer cells and inhibits their division and growth.富含海藻的硒還阻止癌細胞的代謝,並抑制癌細胞的分裂和生長。
Excessive reactive oxygen species have destructive effects on phagocytic cells themselves and other cells, tissues and biological macromolecules, and accelerated lipid peroxidation can cause the destruction and death of normal cells.過量的活性氧對吞噬細胞本身以及其他細胞,組織和生物大分子具有破壞作用,加速的脂質過氧化作用可導致正常細胞的破壞和死亡。 Seaweed polysaccharides have the function of the ros not only, still can significantly reduce the content of lipid peroxide (LPO) and increase peroxidase (CAT) and the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), lipid peroxide remove excess free radicals and antioxidants, DunDing spiral alga can significantly enhance the oxidation resistance and the ability to resist free radical damage and its mechanism may be through promoting the body of SOD and GSH Px gan (valley oboro skin peroxidase) and GSH biosynthesis and enhance the ability of scavenging free radicals.海藻多醣不僅具有ROS的功能,還可以顯著降低脂質過氧化物(LPO)的含量並增加過氧化物酶(CAT)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性,脂質過氧化物去除了過量的自由基和抗氧化劑,頓定螺旋藻類可以顯著增強抗氧化性和抵抗自由基損傷的能力,其機制可能是通過促進機體中的SOD和穀胱甘肽過氧化物酶(穀類皮膚的過氧化物酶)和穀胱甘肽的生物合成,增強清除自由基的能力。
Seaweed polysaccharides mostly contain sulfuric acid groups, and the antiviral effect is positively correlated with the content of 5042. The antiviral activity of natural glycosylated polysaccharide is related to its sulfate group content and molecular weight.海藻多醣主要含有硫酸基,其抗病毒作用與XNUMX含量呈正相關。天然糖基化多醣的抗病毒活性與其硫酸鹽基團含量和分子量有關。 Seaweed polysaccharide calcium complex (CaSP) can selectively inhibit the replication and transmission of virus in host cells, and the calcium ion complex and sulfate radical formed are necessary for the antiviral effect in host cells, and CaSP can inhibit the replication of a few enveloped viruses.海藻多醣鈣複合物(CaSP)可以選擇性地抑制病毒在宿主細胞中的複制和傳播,而形成的鈣離子復合物和硫酸根自由基對於宿主細胞中的抗病毒作用是必需的,並且CaSP可以抑制一些包膜病毒的複制。

