
As medicines, plants are as old as human civilization.作為藥物,植物與人類文明一樣古老。 It's attractive and promising to explore the traditional knowledge of this common disease.探索這種常見疾病的傳統知識具有吸引力,並很有希望。 Cardiospermum halicacabum, namely "菜豆心菜,即“氣球藤”具有許多相關用途,包括對關節痛的補救。該勃艮第可用作蔬菜,飼料,利尿劑,胃痛藥和魯邦科學家。它可用於治療風濕病,腰痛,神經疾病,睾丸炎和水腫的調節劑。該植物是在後院收穫的,具有醫學和食用價值,為了從植物的莖識別中獲得準確的信息,研究人員在藥理和理化方面對其進行了研究,並進行了植物化學分析並收集了HPTLC指紋。解剖學研究表明,存在包被的毛狀體,不規則的孔,增厚的,海綿狀的和螺旋狀的血管和纖維,計算出大量的理化參數,例如總灰分,水溶性灰分,酸不溶性灰分和回收價值。植物化學分析和薄層色譜表明存在皂苷,單寧,類黃酮,糖苷和強心苷。
菜荳蔻 is an annual or sometimes perennial climbing plant, usually found as weeds in India.是一年生或有時多年生的攀緣植物,通常在印度雜草中發現。 The burgeon could be used as vegetables, feed, diuretics, gastrotonica and rubefacients.該初生菌可用作蔬菜,飼料,利尿劑,胃泌素和紅寶石。 It can be used to treat rheumatism, lumbago, nervous diseases, moderator in testitis and edema.它可以用於治療風濕病,腰痛,神經疾病,睾丸炎和水腫的緩解劑。 It is used to treat fracture in Sri Lanka.它用於治療斯里蘭卡的骨折。 The juice of its herb is used in the treatment of earache and hardened tumours.它的藥草汁用於治療耳痛和硬化腫瘤。 It has notable effect of pain relief, anti-inflammatory action and vascular inhibitory activity, though it is essentially temporary.儘管它基本上是暫時的,但它具有止痛,抗炎作用和血管抑制活性的顯著效果。 Vitro studies have revealed its antispasmodic and therapeutic action, and proved its application in Ayurvedic medicine.體外研究表明其具有鎮痙作用和治療作用,並證明了其在印度草藥療法中的應用。
There are various kinds of products in the market, such as gel, cream, shampoo, atomization, etc. These products can be used to repair dry itching skin and eliminate scurf.市場上有各種產品,例如凝膠,乳霜,洗髮水,霧化等。這些產品可用於修復乾燥的瘙癢皮膚和消除黑頭粉刺。 In the glocal market, balloon vine has been used in several products, like 'Love in a Puff ', 'Balloon Vine' and 'Heartseed'.在全球市場上,氣球藤已經用於多種產品中,例如“吹泡泡之戀”,“氣球藤”和“ Heartseed”。 As a natural relief for hay fever, allergy, sneezing, and epiphora, it is also one of ingredients to make “Allergy Relief Liquid TM” and “BioforcePollinosan®Tabs” sold by Bioforce USA.作為花粉症,過敏,打噴嚏和癲癇病的天然緩解劑,它也是製造Bioforce USA銷售的“過敏緩解液TM”和“BioforcePollinosan®Tabs”的成分之一。 At the same time, Boericke and Tafel, another American company, manufactures “Florasone Cardiospermum Cream” for the treatment of skin diseases, such as swelling, desquamation, blisters, burning, and pain.同時,另一家美國公司Boericke和Tafel生產用於治療皮膚疾病(例如腫脹,脫皮,起水泡,灼熱和疼痛)的“氟羅薩鬆心精乳霜”。 These products get support from various evidences concerning many medical properties of balloon vine.這些產品得到有關氣球藤蔓許多醫學特性的各種證據的支持。
