
,又稱艾草,其全身很有價值。 The wormwoods are msotly bitter, and the sweet ones are used as ingredients, so it is called Aicai (a kind of vegetable literally).艾草苦味濃,甜味艾蒿被用作原料,因此被稱為艾彩(Aicai)(一種蔬菜)。 Its odour is fragrant, which can be used for cooking dishes and soup, or making good medicine.它的氣味很香,可用於烹飪菜餚和湯,或製成良藥。 It can help treat menstrual disease, being capable of preventing miscarriage, stopping bleeding, soothing the nerves and clearing the orifice.它可以幫助治療月經疾病,能夠防止流產,止血,舒緩神經並清理孔口。

Modern pharmacological studies have found that artemisia argyi leaves have high-content volatile oil, including 1.8-eucalyptol (more than 50%), and other substances like α-flavinone, sesquiterpene alcohol and its esters.現代藥理研究發現,艾蒿葉含有高含量的揮髮油,其中包括10.13桉樹油(超過2.59%)以及其他物質,例如α-黃酮,倍半萜烯醇及其酯類。 Air-dried leaves contain 25.85% minerals, 1% fat, 2% protein, and vitamins A, BXNUMX, BXNUMX, and C. Chinese mugwort is used in Moxibustion, generally, the older the Chinese mugwort used the better the effect.風乾的葉子含有XNUMX%的礦物質,XNUMX%的脂肪,XNUMX%的蛋白質以及維生素A,BXNUMX,BXNUMX和C。艾草用於艾灸,通常艾草越老,效果越好。 
艾草味苦,辛辣,性溫,適合脾臟,肝臟和腎臟。 《本草綱目》記載:艾蒿可入藥,溫和,苦,無毒,純陽,能舒緩十二經脈,恢復陽氣,調節氣血,消濕除濕,止血和防止流產,因此通常用於針灸。 因此,艾草也被稱為“藥用草”。 台灣流行的“草藥浴”主要使用中國艾蒿。
is bitter and dry, and it can regulate qi and blood, warm meridians, eliminate cold and dampness, and stop cold pain, so it is a vital medicine for gynecology.苦澀乾燥,可調節氣血,溫經,消寒利濕,止痛,是婦科重要藥材。 It is used for the treatment of cold pain in abdomen, menstrual disorder, uterine cold induced infertility, and other related symptoms, such as aifu nuangong pills.它用於治療腹部冷痛,月經失調,子宮冷引起的不孕症以及其他相關症狀,例如艾夫南宮丸。 Stir-fry charcoal to stop bleeding, can be used to cure debilitating menorrhagia, uterine bleeding, pregnancy, fetal leakage, such as ass-hide glue and argyi leaf decoction.炒木炭可止血,可用於治療虛弱的月經過多,子宮出血,妊娠,胎兒漏血,如屁屁膠和銀杏葉湯。 This product is made into velvet, and then moxa or moxa cone, whose external moxibustion can relieve cold and pain, warm qi and blood.將該產品製成天鵝絨,再製成艾絨或艾絨,其外部艾灸可緩解感冒和疼痛,溫熱氣血。 Decoction washing outside the soup can cure scabies, damp sore, phlegm and itching.湯外水煎可治愈cure瘡,濕瘡,痰濕和瘙癢。
Wormwood has been used to prevent plague for thousands of years.艾草已被用於預防鼠疫數千年。 Chinese herbal medicine can be taken locally, and pharmacological studies in modern medicine have indicated that wormwood is a broad-spectrum antibacterial and antiviral drug that inhibits and kills many viruses and bacteria.中草藥可在當地服用,現代醫學的藥理研究表明,艾草是一種廣譜的抗菌和抗病毒藥,能抑制和殺死許多病毒和細菌。 It has a certain preventive effect on respiratory diseases.對呼吸系統疾病有一定的預防作用。 The method of wormwood smoke for epidemic prevention is a simple and easy way to prevent epidemics.艾草煙的流行病預防方法是預防流行病的簡便方法。
,又叫佳艾和蒿。 Its stems and leaves contain volatile aromatic oils, which produce a strange aroma, repelling mosquitoes, insects and ants to purify the air.它的莖和葉含有揮發性芳香油,會產生一種奇怪的香氣,驅除蚊子,昆蟲和螞蟻以淨化空氣。 Wormwood is usually used in traditional Chinese medicine, which has the function of regulating qi and blood, warming uterus, and eliminating cold and dampness.艾草通常用於中藥中,具有調節氣血,子宮溫熱,祛濕除濕的功能。 The moxibustion method in Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, the "moxa floss" processed from mugwort is placed on the acupoints for burning to cure the disease.在中國針灸中,艾灸法是將艾蒿加工而成的“艾絨”放在穴位上進行燒灼治療。