
艾蒿是 ,多年生草本或稍半灌木狀,並且植物具有強烈的香氣。 Stems are solitary or few, brown or grayish-brown and its base is slightly lignified, upper is succulent, with few short branches, thickly papery leaves, grayish white pubescent above, usually no pseudostipule or tiny pseudostipule on the base;莖單生或很少,棕色或灰棕色,基部稍木質化,上部肉質,短枝很少,紙質濃密,上面具灰白色短柔毛,通常在基部沒有假託葉或微小的托葉; upper leaves and bract leaves are in a half-pinnatifid shape, flower heads are oval.上部葉片和片葉片呈半羽狀,花序呈橢圓形。 Corolla is tubular or goblet-shaped, with glandular spots outside, while anthers are narrowly linear, stylus is nearly as long as corolla or slightly longer than corolla.花冠呈管狀或高腳杯狀,外面有腺點,而花藥狹窄地線性,觸針幾乎與花冠一樣長或稍長於花冠。 The achenes are long ovate or oblong and its flowering fruit period is from September to October.瘦果長卵形或長圓形,其開花期為XNUMX月至XNUMX月。 Whole grass used for medicine has a capability of warming, dehumidification, dispelling cold, stopping bleeding, reducing inflammation, relieving asthma, relieving cough, miscarriage prevention, anti-allergy and so on.藥用全草具有保暖,除濕,祛寒,止血,消炎,緩解哮喘,緩解咳嗽,預防流產,抗過敏等作用。

mainly grows in the eastern part of Asia, and it is widely distributed in China.主要生長在亞洲東部,在中國廣泛分佈。 The wormwood is highly adaptable and often grows in wilderness and grassland.艾草適應性強,常生長在曠野和草地上。 According to a legend, a long time ago, people has already known how to use wormwood to relieve joint pain.根據一個傳說,很久以前,人們已經知道如何使用艾草來減輕關節疼痛。 In addition to this efficacy, wormwood has an identically good effect on the treatment of chronic bronchitis, which can relieve symptoms such as cough and asthma.除此功效外,艾草在治療慢性支氣管炎方面同樣具有良好的效果,可減輕諸如咳嗽和哮喘等症狀。 Besides that, wormwood has a good function for women, and it has a good effect on the treatment of irregular menstruation and infertility.除此之外,艾草對女性具有良好的功能,並且對月經不調和不孕症的治療效果良好。
The wormwood can not only be used as a Chinese herbal medicine for healing, but also can be eaten daily as a therapeutic food.艾草不僅可以用作治療的中草藥,還可以每天作為治療食品食用。 In addition to the homology of medicine and food, it can also be used as a natural dye material and inkpad.除了藥物和食品的同源性,它還可用作天然染料和印泥。 Apparently, the effects of wormwood are so extensive, but today we're going to get to know what the ways of eating wormwood are.顯然,艾草的作用是如此廣泛,但是今天我們將要知道吃艾草的方法是什麼。 The的 可用作菜,主食或甜點。
Whether pregnant women can eat wormwood or not depends on the physique of them.孕婦是否可以吃艾草取決於她們的體格。 The older generation knows that wormwood is a Chinese herbal medicine that has the effect of warming the menstruation, stopping bleeding and prevent miscarriage, so they all think that all pregnant women can eat wormwood, which is good for the fetus.老一輩人知道艾草是一種能起到促進月經,止血和防止流產的作用的中草藥,因此所有人都認為所有孕婦都可以吃艾草,這對胎兒有好處。 Although it has not been scientifically certified, according to traditional Chinese medicine, wormwood is bitter, spicy, warm, and can restore the sun, regulate qi and blood, expel the body's moisture and chill, so pregnant women with relatively cold physique or with habitual abortion can eat wormwood.儘管未經科學認證,但根據傳統中藥,艾草具有苦味,辛辣,溫熱作用,可以恢復陽光,調節氣血,驅除人體的水分和寒冷,因此孕婦體質相對較冷或習慣人流可以吃艾草。 However, if the physique of the pregnant woman is too hot, and she eats wormwood, it is easy to get inflamed, and it's not good for pregnant women and fetuses.但是,如果孕婦的體溫太高而吃了艾草,很容易發炎,對孕婦和胎兒都不利。