
Why is it that some people survive cold and flu season with hardly a sniffle, yet others seem to catch cold after cold, the stomach and other flu varieties and every other flavor-of-the-month malady?為什麼有些人在感冒和流感季節幾乎不聞不問地生存下來,而另一些人似乎在感冒,胃和其他流感變種以及其他每個月的惡性疾病後會感冒呢? What is the difference between these two groups?這兩組之間有什麼區別?

The answer is that not all immune systems function alike.答案是,並非所有的免疫系統都具有相同的功能。 While it's true one cannot get a “cold” or respiratory infection without an infectious agent, everyone carries around a generous supply of both viruses and bacteria and, for the most part, the immune system does a remarkable job of defending against them to maintain health.儘管沒有傳染原是無法實現“感冒”或呼吸道感染的,但每個人都攜帶大量的病毒和細菌,並且在大多數情況下,免疫系統在保護他們免受感染,維持健康方面做出了出色的工作。

Why is it that some people survive cold and flu season with hardly a sniffle, yet others seem to catch cold after cold, the stomach and other flu varieties and every other flavor-of-the-month malady?為什麼有些人在感冒和流感季節幾乎不聞不問地生存下來,而另一些人似乎在感冒,胃和其他流感變種以及其他每個月的惡性疾病後會感冒呢? What is the difference between these two groups?這兩組之間有什麼區別?

The answer is that not all immune systems function alike.答案是,並非所有的免疫系統都具有相同的功能。 While it's true one cannot get a “cold” or respiratory infection without an infectious agent, everyone carries around a generous supply of both viruses and bacteria and, for the most part, the immune system does a remarkable job of defending against them to maintain health.儘管沒有傳染原是無法實現“感冒”或呼吸道感染的,但每個人都攜帶大量的病毒和細菌,並且在大多數情況下,免疫系統在保護他們免受感染,維持健康方面做出了出色的工作。



It's important to recognize the immune system is precisely that: a system, not a single entity.重要的是要認識到免疫系統正好是:一個系統,而不是單個實體。 It is perhaps the single most important body system when it comes to maintaining health and living a vibrant, active lifestyle.在保持健康和生活充滿活力的積極生活方式方面,它可能是最重要的身體系統。 The immune system consists of organs, glands, lymphatics, specialized white blood cells and antibodies.免疫系統由器官,腺體,淋巴系統,專門的白細胞和抗體組成。 Each has a different responsibility, but they all work together.每個人都有不同的責任,但是他們都在一起工作。

A healthy immune system provides multiple response layers against infectious agents.健康的免疫系統可提供多種針對傳染原的應答層。 Many nutrients in botanicals provide support for these pathways of defense.植物藥中的許多營養素為這些防禦途徑提供了支持。 Together, these promote healthy immune function and ensure all parts of the immune system can get the support necessary to function optimally, depending on the part that needs the most support.它們共同促進健康的免疫功能,並確保免疫系統的所有部分都能獲得發揮最佳功能所必需的支持,這取決於需要最多支持的部分。

A healthy inflammatory response is the body's natural attempt at self-protection for the immune system to overcome the effect of invading organisms or toxins.健康的炎症反應是人體為免疫系統進行自我保護的自然嘗試,以克服入侵生物或毒素的影響。 This also plays a role in the removal of dead or injured tissues.這在去除死亡或受傷的組織方面也起著作用。 However, the immune system can become its own worst enemy if the intricate set of checks and balances associated with inflammation becomes disrupted.但是,如果與炎症相關的一系列複雜檢查和平衡被破壞,免疫系統可能會成為自己最大的敵人。 If excessive inflammation occurs, the body's own tissues can become damaged from direct attack.如果發生過度的炎症,則直接攻擊會損壞人體自身的組織。

Excessive inflammation can occur as part of an autoimmune reaction, as well as collateral tissue damage from a normal immune response.過度炎症可能是自身免疫反應的一部分,也可能是正常免疫反應引起的附帶組織損害。 This is because the reactions used to defend against invaders involves the generation of high levels of toxic free radicals and oxidative stress.這是因為用於防禦入侵者的反應涉及高水平的有毒自由基和氧化應激的產生。 It is more likely to occur when the natural antioxidant defenses are diminished or depleted.當天然抗氧化劑的防禦能力降低或耗盡時,更可能發生這種情況。


Why is it that some people survive cold and flu season with hardly a sniffle, yet others seem to catch cold after cold, the stomach and other flu varieties and every other flavor-of-the-month malady?為什麼有些人在感冒和流感季節幾乎不聞不問地生存下來,而另一些人似乎在感冒,胃和其他流感變種以及其他每個月的惡性疾病後會感冒呢? What is the difference between these two groups?這兩組之間有什麼區別?

The answer is that not all immune systems function alike.答案是,並非所有的免疫系統都具有相同的功能。 While it's true one cannot get a “cold” or respiratory infection without an infectious agent, everyone carries around a generous supply of both viruses and bacteria and, for the most part, the immune system does a remarkable job of defending against them to maintain health.儘管沒有傳染原是無法實現“感冒”或呼吸道感染的,但每個人都攜帶大量的病毒和細菌,並且在大多數情況下,免疫系統在保護他們免受感染,維持健康方面做出了出色的工作。

It's important to recognize the immune system is precisely that: a system, not a single entity.重要的是要認識到免疫系統正好是:一個系統,而不是單個實體。 It is perhaps the single most important body system when it comes to maintaining health and living a vibrant, active lifestyle.在保持健康和生活充滿活力的積極生活方式方面,它可能是最重要的身體系統。 The immune system consists of organs, glands, lymphatics, specialized white blood cells and antibodies.免疫系統由器官,腺體,淋巴系統,專門的白細胞和抗體組成。 Each has a different responsibility, but they all work together.每個人都有不同的責任,但是他們都在一起工作。

A healthy immune system provides multiple response layers against infectious agents.健康的免疫系統可提供多種針對傳染原的應答層。 Many nutrients in botanicals provide support for these pathways of defense.植物藥中的許多營養素為這些防禦途徑提供了支持。 Together, these promote healthy immune function and ensure all parts of the immune system can get the support necessary to function optimally, depending on the part that needs the most support.它們共同促進健康的免疫功能,並確保免疫系統的所有部分都能獲得發揮最佳功能所必需的支持,這取決於需要最多支持的部分。

A healthy inflammatory response is the body's natural attempt at self-protection for the immune system to overcome the effect of invading organisms or toxins.健康的炎症反應是人體為免疫系統進行自我保護的自然嘗試,以克服入侵生物或毒素的影響。 This also plays a role in the removal of dead or injured tissues.這在去除死亡或受傷的組織方面也起著作用。 However, the immune system can become its own worst enemy if the intricate set of checks and balances associated with inflammation becomes disrupted.但是,如果與炎症相關的一系列複雜檢查和平衡被破壞,免疫系統可能會成為自己最大的敵人。 If excessive inflammation occurs, the body's own tissues can become damaged from direct attack.如果發生過度的炎症,則直接攻擊會損壞人體自身的組織。

Excessive inflammation can occur as part of an autoimmune reaction, as well as collateral tissue damage from a normal immune response.過度炎症可能是自身免疫反應的一部分,也可能是正常免疫反應引起的附帶組織損害。 This is because the reactions used to defend against invaders involves the generation of high levels of toxic free radicals and oxidative stress.這是因為用於防禦入侵者的反應涉及高水平的有毒自由基和氧化應激的產生。 It is more likely to occur when the natural antioxidant defenses are diminished or depleted.當天然抗氧化劑的防禦能力降低或耗盡時,更可能發生這種情況。





Milk thistle provides an immune balancing effect that may be of benefit in promoting healthy immune responses.乳薊具有免疫平衡作用,可能有助於促進健康的免疫反應。 It also supports liver function and detoxification, particularly in times of increased immune challenges.它還支持肝功能和排毒,特別是在免疫挑戰增加的時候。



The compounds in elderberry can promote a healthy immune reaction to viral challenges and replication in human cells.接骨木漿果中的化合物可以促進健康的免疫反應,應對病毒攻擊並在人類細胞中復制。 This can support a healthy immune response to the virus.這可以支持對病毒的健康免疫反應。



The water-soluble vitamins C and B1 (thiamine) play important roles in immune health and response.水溶性維生素C和BXNUMX(硫胺素)在免疫健康和反應中起重要作用。 They support healthy metabolic function and aid in the detoxification of excessive free radicals that can occur during immune system challenges.它們支持健康的代謝功能,並有助於消除免疫系統挑戰期間可能發生的過多自由基。 They promote the healthy activity of immune system cells that are on the front lines of defense.它們促進防禦系統前線免疫系統細胞的健康活動。

The trace minerals zinc, copper and selenium play crucial roles in supporting and maintaining healthy immune function, especially during periods of acute immune system challenges.微量礦物質鋅,銅和硒在支持和維持健康的免疫功能中起著至關重要的作用,尤其是在急性免疫系統挑戰期間。 Selenium is an essential trace mineral that supports viral immune defenses in part by diminishing viral replication.硒是必需的微量礦物質,部分通過減少病毒複製來支持病毒免疫防禦。 It also acts as an antioxidant and supports liver function.它還可作為抗氧化劑並支持肝功能。

NAC維持短期和長期的病毒防禦能力。 It also supports the production of glutathione, detoxification, lung health and the management of free radicals from excessive oxidative stress.它還支持穀胱甘肽的生產,排毒,肺部健康以及過度氧化應激引起的自由基管理。



Phytonutrients are natural compounds showing tremendous value in balancing the effects of excessive free radicals and their negative impact on health.植物營養素是天然化合物,在平衡過多自由基的影響及其對健康的負面影響方面顯示出巨大的價值。 Hundreds of plants naturally produce these compounds, such as flavonoids, carotenoids, polyphenolics and anthocyanins, to protect the tissues from excessive oxidative stress.數百種植物自然產生這些化合物,例如類黃酮,類胡蘿蔔素,多酚和花色苷,以保護組織免受過度的氧化壓力。 A multitude of plants contain these antioxidants, including berries, turmeric, many teas, coffee and virtually all other fruits, vegetables, herbs and plants.許多植物都含有這些抗氧化劑,包括漿果,薑黃,許多茶,咖啡以及幾乎所有其他水果,蔬菜,草藥和植物。

In addition, naturally occurring complex polysaccharides from plants—including arabinogalactan, mannanoligosaccharides and fructooligosaccharides (FOS)—support the rich supply of immune tissue in the intestinal tract.此外,來自植物的天然複合多醣,包括阿拉伯半乳聚醣,甘露寡糖和低聚果糖(FOS),可支持腸道中免疫組織的豐富供應。 This is important because 70% to 80% of the immune system is in the intestinal tract, called the Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT).這很重要,因為XNUMX%至XNUMX%的免疫系統位於腸道內,稱為腸道相關淋巴組織(GALT)。

If you are interested in purchasing some of raw materials mentioned in this article, you can click on the relevant page for further understanding, or directly send us an email then we will give you a reply ASAP.如果您有興趣購買本文中提到的某些原材料,可以單擊相關頁面以進一步了解,或者直接給我們發送電子郵件,我們將盡快給您答复。 We can provide trial products to ensure your satisfaction.我們可以提供試用產品,以確保您滿意。 If you purchase from us, we will provide you with quality after-sales service.如果您從我們這裡購買,我們將為您提供優質的售後服務。 Product Quality can be guaranteed as we have our own factory.由於我們擁有自己的工廠,因此可以保證產品質量。 

We are rich in market experience.我們有豐富的市場經驗。 In this way, if you have a need, we can also provide you with relevant advice on market procurement, to help you buy the materials you need at a more favorable price.這樣,如果您有需要,我們還可以為您提供有關市場採購的建議,以幫助您以更優惠的價格購買所需的材料。 Besides, we also hope to be able to build a good long-term partnership with you.此外,我們也希望能夠與您建立良好的長期合作夥伴關係。




The world market of raw materials for healthcare have been fluctuated as a result of the epidemic.The extension of the Indian blockade has greatly affected the supply of turmeric, curcumin, Indian ginseng, natural caffeine and other products.由於流行病的影響,全球醫療保健原料市場一直在波動。印度封鎖的擴大極大地影響了薑黃,薑黃素,印度人參,天然咖啡因和其他產品的供應。 The arrival of extremely hot weather in India has not slowed the spread of the virus, which is clearly a departure from our previous understanding of the virus.印度極熱天氣的到來並沒有減慢該病毒的傳播,這顯然與我們先前對該病毒的理解背道而馳。

In China, experts and the government say they expect coexistence with viruses to become the norm over the next two years.在中國,專家和政府表示,他們預計與病毒並存將在未來兩年內成為常態。 Although the progress of the vaccine is promising, even if it is successful, it will take time to test it, and even later for mass production and global distribution.儘管疫苗的進展是有希望的,但即使成功,也需要花費時間進行測試,甚至以後還要進行批量生產和全球分銷。

In addition to the impact of COVID-19, flooding in southern China cannot be ignored, and the government has sent troops to help and actively responded to the floods by using the San-Xia Dam.除了COVID-XNUMX的影響外,中國南部的洪水也是不容忽視的,政府已派出部隊通過三峽大壩幫助並積極響應洪水。 Some factories in flood-hit areas have shifted their priority from fighting the epidemic to flood control.受災地區的一些工廠已將重點從抗擊流行轉向防洪。 So far, we have not seen a significant impact of the floods on the raw material supply chain.到目前為止,我們還沒有看到洪水對原材料供應鏈的重大影響。 Most factories have elaborate preparedness plans, but the situation can change at any time because the end of the rainy season is still weeks away.大多數工廠都有詳盡的備災計劃,但情況可能隨時發生變化,因為雨季的結束還有幾週的路程。

The resumption of work and production in China is now well underway.現在,在中國恢復工作和生產正在順利進行。 China's economy rebounded strongly in the second quarter, beating economists' expectations and growing 3.2 per cent year-on-year in the second quarter of 2019 despite obstacles, according to the government.政府表示,中國經濟在第二季度強勁反彈,超過了經濟學家的預期,儘管存在障礙,但在XNUMX年第二季度同比增長XNUMX%。 We do see an improvement in the supply of most products compared to two or three months ago, and the ship bookings show that Chinese exports are moving at full speed.與兩三個月前相比,我們確實看到大多數產品的供應有所改善,並且船期預訂顯示中國出口正在全速運轉。

Companies are expected to accelerate production in the coming weeks and months to make up for first-quarter losses and restore GDP growth.預計公司將在未來幾周和數月內加快生產,以彌補第一季度的虧損並恢復GDP增長。 However, economic sustainability will depend on global recovery and demand.但是,經濟可持續性將取決於全球復甦和需求。


What are the hot-selling healthcare ingredients?什麼是熱銷保健成分? Supplements that improve mood and sleep have become the most popular category, including 5 HTP, melatonin, levodopa, GABA and vitamin B6.改善情緒和睡眠的補品已成為最受歡迎的類別,包括XNUMX HTP,褪黑激素,左旋多巴,GABA和維生素BXNUMX。


