
Due to the special leaf shape and special needs of silver color, it is often used by floral teachers to make flowers.由於特殊的葉子形狀和銀色的特殊需要,花藝師經常用它製作花朵。 The taste of the leaves is similar to that of lemon which has a sweet and delicious taste so it is often used in the production of toilet water and balsamic vinegar which can be rubbed on the skin to prevent mosquitoes and flies.葉子的味道類似於檸檬的味道,檸檬味道甜美可口,因此常用於生產自來水和香醋,可在皮膚上擦拭以防止蚊子和蒼蠅。 The leaves are often used by Europeans to make tea which is good for gastrointestinal health and removes parasites from children.歐洲人經常用樹葉來泡茶,這種茶有益於腸胃健康,並能清除兒童的寄生蟲。 It can be placed in the bath water to promote blood circulation, and can be placed in a pillow to treat insomnia.可以將其放在洗澡水中以促進血液循環,也可以將其放在枕頭上以治療失眠。
最令人印象深刻的好處 草藥具有消除癌細胞,預防真菌感染和預防瘧疾的能力。

An active ingredient in wormwood is a substance called artemisinin, which is widely known in the tropics of the world.艾草中的活性成分是一種稱為青蒿素的物質,在世界熱帶地區廣為人知。 Using this herb in a medium dose can be an excellent first line of defense against this deadly disease by acting as an antioxidant and destroying the cell wall of the malaria parasite.通過充當抗氧化劑並破壞瘧原蟲的細胞壁,以中等劑量使用這種草藥可以成為抵抗這種致命疾病的極佳第一道防線。 The anti-parasitic nature of this herb also applies to other unwanted parasites.這種草藥的抗寄生蟲性質也適用於其他有害寄生蟲。
許多研究表明,在某些情況下,定期補充 草藥可以幫助改善腸道整體健康,因此可以消除克羅恩氏病患者對類固醇的需要。
Studies have shown that artemisinin, the active ingredient in wormwood, can also induce apoptosis of breast cancer cells;研究表明,艾草中的活性成分青蒿素還可以誘導乳腺癌細胞凋亡。 more researches on the effects of herbs on other cancers are under way.有關草藥對其他癌症的影響的更多研究正在進行中。
can play an anti-allergic effect and has a very good effect on the treatment of wet sore scabies, dampness and itching.可以起到抗過敏作用,對濕瘡sc瘡,潮濕和瘙癢有很好的治療作用。 The wormwood contains a large amount of chemical components, in addition to volatile oils, it also contains tannins, flavonoids, alcohols, polysaccharides, trace elements and other organic ingredients.艾草除揮髮油外還含有大量化學成分,還含有單寧,類黃酮,醇,多醣,微量元素和其他有機成分。 These ingredients can effectively help regulate the body's nutritional needs.這些成分可以有效地幫助調節人體的營養需求。 The wormwood can be used as "folium artemisiae argyi tea", "folium artemisiae soup" and "folium artemisiae porridge" and other recipes to enhance the body's resistance to disease.艾草可以用作“艾葉艾蒿茶”,“艾葉湯”和“艾葉粥”等配方,以增強人體對疾病的抵抗力。