
Stomach trouble is, as we all know, three points on governance, seven points by raising.Many patients with stomach trouble do not pay attention to stomach, eat at random, causing the workload to it at spare time, thus reducing a series of intestines and stomach disease.眾所周知,胃病是治病三分,養病要七分。許多胃病患者不注意胃,隨意進食,在閒暇時會增加工作量,從而減少了一系列腸子和胃病。 Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer are two of the most common gastrointestinal problems.Propyl amine valley is mainly used in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcer.胃潰瘍和十二指腸潰瘍是最常見的兩個胃腸道問題。丙胺谷主要用於治療胃和十二指腸潰瘍。 It has a good effect on the improvement of the clinical symptoms of peptic ulcer healing.它對改善消化性潰瘍癒合的臨床症狀有良好的作用。
丙谷胺 is an acid - resistant drug and treatment of peptic ulcer disease.是一種耐酸藥物,可治療消化性潰瘍。 Proglumide is the first gastrin antagonist found, and benzotript and it are derivatives of glutaramicacid.丙穀胺是發現的第一個胃泌素拮抗劑,苯並三苯並and胺是戊二酸的衍生物。 Proglumide, also a racemic compound known as (±) -5-dipropylamino4-benzoyl amino5-oxy-valeric acid, is a gastrin receptor antagonist with a chemical structure similar to that of gastrin (g-17) and cholecystokinin (CCK).丙穀胺,也稱為外消旋化合物,稱為(±)-XNUMX-二丙基氨基XNUMX-苯甲酰基氨基XNUMX-氧-戊酸,是一種胃泌素受體拮抗劑,其化學結構類似於胃泌素(g-XNUMX)和膽囊收縮素(CCK)。
的主要藥理作用 丙穀胺:
Propanangamine can increase the content of aminohexose in gastric mucosa, promote glycoprotein synthesis, protect gastric mucosa and promote healing, improve the symptoms of peptic ulcer and promote ulcer healing.丙泊胺可增加胃粘膜中氨基己糖的含量,促進糖蛋白合成,保護胃粘膜並促進癒合,改善消化性潰瘍症狀,促進潰瘍癒合。 The application of proglumide in the treatment of peptic ulcer and gastritis does not produce the rebound phenomenon of gastric acid secretion, and the gastric acid secretion can remain at the normal level for half a year after the termination of treatment.丙穀胺在消化性潰瘍和胃炎的治療中不會產生胃酸分泌的反彈現象,治療終止後半年內胃酸分泌可以保持正常水平。
此外, 丙穀胺 也具有膽鹼作用。 
②改變膽汁中的致石因子; 通過改變膽汁中的成岩因子,可以顯著增加碳酸氫鹽的濃度和排放。 並且游離膽紅素,膽固醇和鈣離子濃度降低;