
It has been accused by the FTC of using false advertising in its marketing and making unproven claims that it could help ward off harmful bacteria and germs and help prevent the flu and the common cold.美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)指控該公司在其營銷活動中使用虛假廣告,並未經證實聲稱它可以幫助抵禦有害細菌和病菌,並有助於預防流感和普通感冒。 It has therefore been the subject of class action lawsuits and settlements.因此,它一直是集體訴訟和解的主題。 In addition to previous settlements including over $23 million in early 2008, Airborne paid an additional $7 million settlement on December 16, 2008 as part of charges that it made unproven claims to cure or prevent illness.There are no studies supporting Airborne's effectiveness that meet scientific standards.除了先前的和解協議(包括XNUMX年初超過XNUMX萬美元的和解協議)外,Airborne還在XNUMX年XNUMX月XNUMX日另外支付了XNUMX萬美元的和解協議,作為對未經證實可治愈或預防疾病的指控的一部分。標準。